Tuesday, August 17, 2010


What little I knew about life when I was 15 can be summarized into three statements.

1) Highschool drama was a Really Big Deal (with capital letters, like so).
2) I was too smart for my own good.
3) The ubiquitous question "What do I want to do when I grow up" had been answered by the call to work with children and youth.

I spent a lot of time at summer camp when I was a child, and I decided at the age of 15 to become a camp counsellor myself. Thinking back on those days, I'm not terribly sure what inspired me to want to work with children, since I was still a child myself, in many ways. I suppose I figured it was a natural progression of sorts for me. Some folks work at camp because they think it's easy. I wanted to work at camp for the sake of working with children in a relaxed and easygoing setting.

I ended up spending four of my best summers working at two different camps. I held a few important positions, and in that time, my dream of working with children had evolved into an urge to teach youth.

That was when I decided I wanted to become a teacher.

This fall, I finally start Teacher's College. I would have gone right after my undergrad degree was over, like most other teacher candidates, but I wanted to get my Master's Degree first. Turns out, doing that degree actually gave me teaching experience that I could put on my applications. Go figure.

That's why I'm in the Big City. I will be attending Teacher's College here. Now that the necessary pre-registration bureaucracy is over, all I get to do for the next three weeks is wait in anticipation for classes to start.

Given that I don't do much else with my time, waiting in anticipation almost feels like torture. I am finally so close to realizing my dream, it's like I'm now in the waiting room for my lifetime goal. Everyone hates waiting rooms.

I'm sure that if I could see the future at age 15, I would be pretty pleased with myself.


  1. I love reading that someone is as passionate about teaching as I am! It's a noble profession, and I'm glad you'll be joining me. Best of luck in teacher's college, if you have any questions as you work your way through it don't forget I'm here for you!
